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Alabama’s Medical Marijuana Oil Bill, Leni’s Law, Passes House and Senate

Lenis Law Alabama Marijuana

Alabama’s medical marijuana oil bill, Leni’s Law, has been approved by the Alabama House of Representatives (95-4) and Senate (29-3). Leni’s Law is now awaiting signature into law by Alabama Governor Robert Bentley.

One of the main driving points to the approval of this bill is that cannabidiol (CBD) has no psychoactive effects and has proven to be successful in treating seizures and other severe conditions.

Parents that have been waiting for approval of some type of legislation are thrilled. The Times Free Press shared that one family, the Forsyths, were elated and emotional after the passing of this bill as a young girl is in need of CBD oil to improve her medical condition. Kari Forsyth said, “I just hope she has more quality of life,” when speaking in regards to her daughter’s debilitating condition.

Senator Paul Sanford, who sponsored the bill, said, “This is an opportunity to give some sunlight to families. They don’t want to feel like criminals, but they know they need to try something like this.”

Families around the state have seen success with their children’s seizure disorder symptoms reducing through the use of CBD oil, even though accessing and possessing it was illegal. The namesake of this legislation, Leni Young, suffered a stroke in-utero and was diagnosed with epilepsy. Her mother, Amy Young, said, “Our daughter was alive before, and she’s living now. She just giggled in my lap. She’s progressed further than we were ever told was a possibility for her. I can’t wait to watch our friends’ children progress.”

A big worry for this bill was limiting the THC content to 1-percent, but Senator Sanford’s bill restored the initial 3-percent THC limit. Commentary from parents is a big part of what helped the Senator restore the original 3-percent THC limit.

Arguing for those supporting the bill, Senator Dick Brewbaker, said, “If it gives people hope, some relief and just a sense that they’re able to do something for their children, that’s not a whole lot to ask of us.” Brewbaker himself has a disabled child.
