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Synthetic Drug Claims the Life of an Alabama K-9 Officer

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Jake served as an Alabama Department of Corrections K-9 officer for 4 years. During a routine search of the prison for drugs, he came upon a substance that tested to be confirmed as synthetic marijuana. It didn’t claim his life immediately, but he developed pneumonia as a result of the drug, which ultimately claimed his life.

Handler Sgt. Quinton Jones took immediate action and got Jake to the prison’s courtyard where 2 nurses administered CPR, The Washington Post reported.  He was transferred to a local clinic and seemed to be improving. It’s unknown if the synthetic marijuana was laced with any other narcotics.

Synthetic marijuana can be just as dangerous and deadly to animals as it is to humans. It’s often laced with fentanyl.

Jake was hailed as one of the best K-9 officers trained to detect drugs in the bureau.

Corrections Commissioner Jeff Dunn said, “Jake’s heroism and ultimate sacrifice will never be forgotten. I extend our deepest condolences for the loss of this noble K9 who honorably served the State of Alabama and for ultimately giving his life while protecting the public.”

Jake will be buried with full honors.