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Home / Alabama Marijuana News / Alabama’s New Hemp Harvests Are Passing THC Testing

Alabama’s New Hemp Harvests Are Passing THC Testing

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Alabama state inspectors have already been taking samples from hemp plants to test for THC levels. So far, all of the crops have tested below 0.3% THC. The state has 45 licensed hemp cultivators.

Of course, with a new industry, there were concerns about THC levels being where they needed to be, says. Crops testing above 0.3% THC would have to be destroyed. Most of the hemp farmers added this crop to their rotations for CBD extraction purposes.

Some farmers have already made their first legal harvests. Several farmers will use in-state processors and others will have their hemp sent out of state.

Farmer Ed Glaze said, regarding his plants, that, “They’re beautiful. The buds are nice, thick flowers, about two or three fingers wide, with eight to ten-inch colas.”

Alabama’s first crops of hemp since 1937 are proving to be successful with almost all farmers having harvest-able crops.