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Ohio Voting on Marijuana Legalization Tomorrow

Ohio Marijuana Legalize

Ohioans will be voting on a historic medical and recreational marijuana legalization ballot Tuesday, November 3.

This will be an unprecedented first for voters anywhere in the U.S. because Ohioans will be deciding whether to approve recreational and medical marijuana at the same time, which has never happened before.

Ballot Issue 3 is for legalizing marijuana, whereas ballot Issue 2 is against marijuana legalization. ResponsibleOhio, the advocacy group supporting Issue 3, has been campaigning throughout Ohio with the slogan “vote no on 2 and yes on 3.”

If ballot Issue 3 passes, Ohio residents will be able to grow four marijuana plants for personal consumption, medically or recreationally. Furthermore, there would be only 10 commercial marijuana cultivation farms, which are already owned by the investors who financially backed Issue 3.

If Issue 3 is approved, Ohio would be the fifth state to legalize marijuana for recreational use. Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Alaska, and Washington, D.C. were the first to legalize recreational marijuana use.

In 2016, voters are expected to vote on marijuana legalization ballots in Arizona, California, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, and possibly in other states.